Fiber Optic Splicing:


Fiber Optic Splicing:

Process of Fiber Optic Splicing:

If we simply define the fiber optic splicing process, it is basically joining two fiber optic cables together. Other than fiber optic splicing, there is another method that is used to join two fiber optics known as connectorization or termination. Fiber splicing typically results in less light loss and back reflection than termination, when the cable is running too long for a fiber of one length or when connecting two different types of cable together, such as Containing four to 12 by 48-fiber cables. Other than joining, the process of splicing is also used to restore fiber optic cables when a buried cable is accidentally served. Many optical components manufacturers available in the market cover their products with optical thin film coatings just like pfg.


There are basically two methods of fiber optic splicing: mechanical splicing and fusion splicing.

Tips for Better splicing:

  • Clean your splicing tools thoroughly and frequently. When working with fiber, keep in mind that particles not visible to the naked eye can cause tremendous problems when working with fiber optics. Keeping your fibers and equipment «extremely» clean will save you time and money.
  • Properly operate and maintain your cleaver. Cleaver is the most valuable tool in the fiber splicing process. In the case of the mechanical splicing process, it is necessary to maintain a proper angle to make sure proper end faces or too much light is escaping into the gaps of air between the two fibers will occur. Index matching gel will eliminate most light escapes but may not remove low-quality cleavage. A good quality cleaver that will be suitable for the mechanical splicing method costs around $100 to $200.


  • In the case of fusion splicing, a more precise cleaver is required to reduce the loss in the whole process. If you have a bad crack, the ends of the fibers may not melt together properly, which can lead to problems with light loss and high reflectivity. A good cleaver that is precise enough to handle the precision for fusion splicing costs around $1,000 to $4,000. It is highly important to maintain the cleaver by following the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning as well as using the tool properly will provide you with a longer-lasting tool and make sure the job gets completed successfully ni the very first attempt. Infusion splicing only, fusion parameters must be adjusted methodically or minimally. In the process of splicing, fusion current and fusion time are the two main factors.


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